How measurement works

Measure in 3 simple steps, in 3 minutes

Tell us about your business.
We use this information to calculate emissions generated by your people doing their work, like commuting, electricity and waste.
Connect your accounting data.
We combine activity based information from your people with  spend-based information from your accounts.
Your part is complete.
Our software does the rest. The entire process only takes 3 minutes. Go make a cup of coffee while you wait or watch it happen in real time.
*Values not accurate.
Do your measurement to know your number.

No changes to your workflow

Let the measurement happen while you make a coffee

What you do with CarbonInvoice

Provide some business details

Connect your accounting data

Save 80 hours of back-and-forth with consultants by connecting your accounting data to measure your footprint in 3 minutes.
What you do with consultants, not CarbonInvoice
One-off tasks

Find a consultant

Negotiate project scope and cost

Identify internal project tem – Finance and Ops

Consultant on-site to brief team

Data gathering for measurement (6-12 weeks)

Consultant presents measurement report

Decide on actions, reduce and offset

Implement actions, either with our without consultants support Implementation time: 6-12 months

Achieve certification

Ongoing meetings with consultant to track progress

Ongoing tasks

Establish new process for carbon data gathering and reporting process. Often involves changes to existing reporting

Trust in our technology

Know your business is safe with us

Your data is secure.
Security is considered a crucial aspect of the CarbonInvoice culture and way of operating. We use bank-level standards to keep your data safe.
Explore our security standards ->
Your data, used for measurement.
You own your data, we use it solely to measure your carbon footprint. You give us permission to use your data for this purpose while you use the product. We don't own it or share it with anyone.
Mature proven technology.
The CarbonInvoice data processing platform has been running for 10 years on AWS servers and processed over 27,000 small businesses without a security incident.
Explore our story ->
Compliant with GHG Standards.
CarbonInvoice uses a Multi-Layered Categorisation and Calculation approach to measurement. Our process accords with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which is the internationally accepted standard to measure and manage emissions.
Explore the GHG Protocol ->

Your search is over

Measure and act effortlessly in 3 minutes

Photo of a person planting a native seedling.

Need a little more convincing?

How quickly can I take Carbon Action?

That's simple. Real simple. It takes just 3 minutes to measure your entire carbon footprint and instantly fund native trees to mitigate it. You then get access to the sharing library in the app to share your progress in a personalised and automated ways. We award you our Positive Business certification.

What do I need to measure my carbon footprint?

Very little. Create an account and give us your basic business details, then connect your accounting data via Xero or MYOB and watch your carbon measurement happen in real-time. Authority to connect your business’ accounting data is the main requirement.

How can it be so easy?

Powerful measurement software, clever design, and keeping things simple yet serious is the key.

Our software automatically measures your carbon footprint by analyzing spend data from your accounting software. You don’t need to change your process, gather invoices, or weigh rubbish.

We’ve measured hundreds of service businesses with 95%+ accuracy compared to traditional methods, and we conservatively account upwards.

Planting native trees is a tangible start to removing carbon emissions, contributing to biodiversity, and improving your community. It’s not the only step you will take on your journey with us, but it’s a powerful beginning and more than the vast majority are doing.  

All of this is packaged in a sleek monthly subscription, designed for busy business owners like you.

How much will it cost to take Carbon Action?

To get your fixed monthly cost and number of trees simply create an account and complete your measurement. This is all part of or our Free Plan. See our pricing page for some indicative costs:

View Pricing page ->