CarbonInvoice’s response to the New Zealand Government’s Emissions Reduction Plan and Climate Strategy
Carlos Chambers
CEO, cofounder
September 17, 2024
Native bush regenerating farmland in Havelock North 12 years after being planted
CEO, cofounder
September 17, 2024
Native bush regenerating farmland in Havelock North 12 years after being planted
CarbonInvoice is strongly supportive of using Nature Based Solutions and planting more native trees to improve New Zealand, reduce the country’s net carbon emissions and meet Paris commitments.
CarbonInvoice stands for small and medium businesses who are the backbone of the New Zealand economy. The business pressures for them are to to remain competitive both domestically and internationally, differentiate their brand to consumers who increasingly value sustainability as well as retain and enhance their team culture.
CarbonInvoice exists to help these businesses take climate action in a way that is both easy and commercially rewarding for them. This means efficient measurement and tracking of their carbon footprint and funding the planting of native trees to help mitigate it as the first step in their climate journey. Armed with the information of ‘knowing their number’ and having proven the business value of doing so, these businesses are more likely to reduce their footprint.
In June the government released its Climate Strategy which sets out the approach to how it will deliver on New Zealand’s climate goals. Pillar 5 of the strategy is “nature-based solutions address climate change” and the plan outlines ways to remove barriers to and increase native tree planting in New Zealand. In July it released its draft Emissions Reduction Plan for consultation which expanded on the strategy.
Overall CarbonInvoice supports the proposed measures in the Emissions Reduction Plan (2) on planting more native trees in New Zealand. There is opportunity to go further and faster. We outline our response and encouragements below.
In doing so the Government can adopt and expand what CarbonInvoice and its thriving community of businesses has already achieved.
It’s now time for the New Zealand government and the country to move forward with concrete action to implement the strategy and once consulted on the ERP. We look forward to supporting and participating in this important work.
Victor Green
Flight Digital
native trees planted
5 July, 2024, Auckland
James Hurren
Crew Technology Recruitment
native trees planted
4 July 2024, Christchurch
Kristen Ellis
Ellis Insurance Brokers
native trees planted
12 July 2024, Wellington
Recruitment Consultant
Crew Technology Recruitment
CarbonInvoice is strongly supportive of using Nature Based Solutions and planting more native trees to improve New Zealand, reduce the country’s net carbon emissions and meet Paris commitments.
CarbonInvoice stands for small and medium businesses who are the backbone of the New Zealand economy. The business pressures for them are to to remain competitive both domestically and internationally, differentiate their brand to consumers who increasingly value sustainability as well as retain and enhance their team culture.
CarbonInvoice exists to help these businesses take climate action in a way that is both easy and commercially rewarding for them. This means efficient measurement and tracking of their carbon footprint and funding the planting of native trees to help mitigate it as the first step in their climate journey. Armed with the information of ‘knowing their number’ and having proven the business value of doing so, these businesses are more likely to reduce their footprint.
In June the government released its Climate Strategy which sets out the approach to how it will deliver on New Zealand’s climate goals. Pillar 5 of the strategy is “nature-based solutions address climate change” and the plan outlines ways to remove barriers to and increase native tree planting in New Zealand. In July it released its draft Emissions Reduction Plan for consultation which expanded on the strategy.
Overall CarbonInvoice supports the proposed measures in the Emissions Reduction Plan (2) on planting more native trees in New Zealand. There is opportunity to go further and faster. We outline our response and encouragements below.
In doing so the Government can adopt and expand what CarbonInvoice and its thriving community of businesses has already achieved.
It’s now time for the New Zealand government and the country to move forward with concrete action to implement the strategy and once consulted on the ERP. We look forward to supporting and participating in this important work.
Carlos Chambers brings 12+ years of entrepreneurial experience across climate, fintech, and b2b software. He founded and successfully grew Common Ledger a fintech and data business. Working with small businesses and their accounting data gave him deep insights into the domain. He combines this with his a commercial law, and climate advocacy background giving him the ideal foundation of experience, skills and passion to build CarbonInvoice.
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