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Action 1: one off measurement
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Free for 2 weeks.
Monthly payment
Action 1: ongoing measurements
Action 2: fund native trees
Action 3: unlimited sharing for impact
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Sole Trader
Monthly payment
Native trees*
How big is your business?
Sole Trader
Monthly payment
Native trees*
*Estimated price and trees based on historical dataset of services businesses. Get your measurement with Free Plan to know your number.
What business leaders are saying
As a small consulting business, CarbonInvoice made our carbon accounting a breeze. Most importantly, it created an awesome opportunity for us to "walk the talk" without too much hassle, and have some really important conversations with our clients - the detailing on the invoice is a great touch.
Frankie McKeefry
Founder at Pres (sole trader)
Quick, easy, does what it says on the tin! We can see our impact daily and our clients love it.
Alan Chambers
Managing Director at ArcTree Recruitment (5 fte)
I love that I could get started right away. The power of speed and the ease of the solution was exactly fit for our situation. I love that I could get started right away. The power of speed and the ease of the solution was exactly fit for our situation.
Tom Aune
Director at Suremploy (11 fte)
CarbonInvoice supports our business's sustainability initiatives perfectly. As a business owner who cares deeply about our environmental impact, this tool is exactly what we needed to get a better grip on our carbon emissions.
Angela Fischer
CEO at Clockworkx (20 fte)
We've only recently been appointed to be a preferred supplier to the South Australian Government. They were asking specifically about our footprint and what action we were taking. It was very useful to be able to demonstrate what we've done through our partnership with CarbonInvoice. I'd like to think that had a part in us winning that tender.
Mark Smith
Managing Director at people2people (130 fte)

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